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Do I Need to Hire a Professional Roofing Contractor?

Repairing (or replacing) your roofing system can be expensive, and it’s natural to wonder if you can save a few bucks by doing the job yourself. However, you’ll want to remind yourself that your roofing system is among the most (if not the most) important components of your home. If the job isn’t done correctly, or you accidentally cause additional damage while you’re trying to fix the original problem, you won’t be doing yourself any favors. Below are just a few of the reasons you shouldn’t try to repair or replace your roof on your own.

Just because you’ve watched a few online roof repair videos, that doesn’t make you an expert

If your wife informs you that your oldest child needs braces-  hopping online and watching a few YouTube videos about “how braces work” would not transform you into an orthodontist. Similarly, watching YouTube videos about “how to repair your roof” will not turn you into a roofing contractor.

People who attempt this type of job on their own often face several problems. First, they don’t understand the steps that need to be taken to ensure the job is done safely. Second, they often don’t realize that doing the work themselves will void the materials manufacturer’s warranty (because the company that made the materials will assume that if their materials weren’t installed by a licensed contractor, that mistakes were made during the install). Lastly, people who attempt DIY roofing work often do more harm than good—and they run the risk of damaging other parts of their roofing system. Should this happen, they’ll need to call a licensed, experienced roofer to fix both the initial problem and the subsequent problems they caused.

Licensed, reputable, experienced roofers you can trust

The experts at Kleinberger Corporation have years of experience helping homeowners throughout the Southeast with all of their roof repair, roof inspection, and roof replacement needs. Not only do we understand how to get the job done right, we have a longstanding track record of completing times on time and on budget. Regardless as to what type of roofing system you have atop your home, we can help.

For more information about our company, our rates, or to receive a free, no-cost roof inspection, call our office today to get started. What are you waiting for? Call Kleinberger Corporation today to speak with an expert.