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Top 3 things that can damage a roof in SWFL

Reroofing a home isn’t just expensive, it can be a massive pain in the backside. Not only is having contractors at your house extremely disruptive, it can make working from home nearly impossible.

Suffice to say, homeowners throughout the US need to be diligent when it comes to caring for their roofing system. If mistakes are made and issues aren’t addressed promptly, you may find yourself in a position where you need to replace your roof much sooner than you otherwise would have.

For this post we wanted to address the top 3 things that can shorten the lifespan of a SWFL roofing system.

Going (and staying) green

To start, we should state that we’re not referring to solar panels, and instead, we’re talking about moss. If your roof is starting to look a bit green- you’ll want to address that right away. When moss starts to grow on your roof, that greenery is holding dampness and moisture against your roofing materials. Not only can this lead to mold, it can cause an enormous amount of damage to your roofing system.  For example, if you spilled a glass of water on your hardwood floors, would you wipe it up right away, or would you put a towel over the spill, leave it there, and continue to moisten that towel with water over the course of the next several weeks?  No—because if you did that, you’d do enormous damage to your flooring.

Shoddy workmanship

It’s natural to want to save money when and where you can- but if your roof needs some work, you want to hire the best company for the job. We’re not suggesting that selecting the cheapest bid is always a bad thing, but we are suggesting that you vet the credentials of any roofing contractor that you hire. If you decide to go with someone based on cost alone, and they’re not fully up-to-speed on how roof repair works, they could wind up doing more harm than good.

Not maintaining your roof

Lastly, be sure to have your roof inspected in the spring, fall, and after every major storm. Not only are roof inspections free, they’ll allow you to know whether your roof has sustained damage that needs to be fixed. As we’ve said in the past, small problems cost a lot less to fix than big ones.

For more information about the types of things that can damage a SWFL roofing system, call our office today to speak with an expert.