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2 Reasons to Have Your Roof Inspected

Lots of Louisiana homeowners put off thinking about roof maintenance until the fall. However, if you missed your 2021 annual maintenance appointment, now is a great time to schedule it. As we’ve noted countless times in the past, small problems cost a lot less to fix than big ones, and since your roofing system is among the most important (if not the most important) components of your home, you’ll want to make sure it’s well cared for.

Below are just a few of the reasons you should have your roof inspected.

The area just got hit with a big storm

Just because you don’t think your roof was damaged, doesn’t mean it didn’t sustain damage. Not only can tropical force and gale force winds do a number on your shingles, they can also wreak havoc on your gutters.  You’ll also want to keep in mind that a roof inspection won’t’ cost you a dime. If the contractor determines you didn’t sustain damage, you can rest assured knowing that you’re in the clear. On the other hand, if they do see things that need to be addressed, they’ll provide you with a detailed report of their findings. Depending on the coverage you have in your homeowner’s insurance policy, the repairs might be covered by your insurance carrier. Be sure to ask the contractor whether they will work with your insurance company directly, or if you’ll be directly involved.

You’re about to buy a home

Having your own roof inspected is one thing- but did you know that you can have a roofing contractor inspect the roof of a home that you’re thinking about buying? This makes sense for a lot of reasons. First, it will give you some insight as to the state of the roofing system, how well it’s been cared for, and if any major repairs (or a roof replacement) will be needed in the not-too-distant future.  If the roof does need repairs, ask the current homeowner if those will be covered under their current warrant. If not, you may be able to negotiate a lower purchase price—especially if the repairs will be extensive.

In closing

For more information about when and why you should have your roof inspected, we’re here to help. Call Kleinberger Corporation today to speak with a local expert. Or, if you’d prefer to schedule a roof inspection or roof maintenance appointment, we’re happy to help you get something on the books.